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Should You Swap Out Soda for LaCroix? Weekly Spark
Walkers, Listen Up!

We've said it before and we'll say it a million more times: Walking is an amazing exercise option. But there's another element you're likely neglecting--strength training. While walking yields many amazing benefits, adding in a few strength training sessions every week will improve your mobility, improve cardiovascular health, decrease injury risk and improve your overall body image. What's not to love? Get started with these 17 moves that will specifically help walkers.

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From the desk of: Alicia Capetillo, Editor-in-Chief SparkPeople
Scroll down a few stories and you'll find an article featuring 11 stretches. These stretches are gold, friends. Gold, I tell you! I'll be the first to admit that I often neglect stretching before and after my workouts. I'm usually squeezing a sweat in between work assignments or social engagements. Sometimes I'm just so done and ready for my post-workout snack. Whatever the reason, stretching is an afterthought for most--but that's a giant mistake. Not only does stretching feel amazing, but it's also great for relieving stress, relieving post-exercise muscle pains and promoting better circulation. And, yet, we still neglect it. This week, I challenge you to check out the article and try out four or five of the moves. You can do the moves right in your cubicle or even in front of the television--just give them a go and get ready for a more limber, levelheaded you!
30 Habits, 30 Days
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they start down the path to healthy living is trying to make all of the changes all at once. It's a shock to the system, it can be unpleasant and it often leads to people quitting before the end of the first month. Rather than jumping in too aggressively, start slowly with these recommendations for one attainable goal for the next 30 days, curated just for you by personal trainer Justin Ochoa.

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Relax and Recover
For something that feels soooo good and is soooo good for our bodies, it's amazing that so many people opt to skip out on stretching (myself included...). Stretching really does do a body good, though, so adding a few moves at the end of your workout or interspersed throughout your day is a good move. Start here with these 11 amazing moves.

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LaCroix Addicts Anonymous
You've seen it stacked tall in the grocery, read about it online and seen trending girls drinking it on Instagram, but what's the real deal with LaCroix? Yeah, it comes in a bunch of flavors, but can it really be better than your daily Diet Coke? Is it better for your body than that Sprite you have at lunch? Get the details on this popular fizzy drink right here and decide once and for all if it's worth jumping on the bandwagon.

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