"Being around positive people we care about can help us make changes." — Matthew M. Clark, Ph.D., L.P. |
| Healthy Lifestyle | Is your social circle supportive? | Research shows that the health decisions of your social circle can have a large impact on the choices you make and how healthy they are. If your friends' habits are less than stellar, all is not lost! Consider/Use these tips to learn how to prevent negative influences from sabotaging your efforts. | Stay on track in these social situations » | | |
Dining Out Can I still enjoy restaurant food? If restaurant dining challenges your resolve to eat a healthy diet, you're not alone! The Mayo Clinic Diet does allow for occasional treats, and you should enjoy them — but only occasionally. Use these tips to learn how to make healthier choices a regular part of your restaurant experience. How to enjoy eating out » | | Today's Food Tip Go lean with protein Protein is an important part of a balanced diet. Choose breast meat or low-fat ground chicken or turkey, and ground beef that is 90% lean or more. Limit meat and poultry servings to 3 ounces — about the size of a deck of cards. Don't eat meat? Lentils, plain Greek yogurt, eggs and nuts are great sources of protein, too. | | | ADVERTISEMENT | | Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. | Advertising & Sponsorship: Policy | Opportunities | |