| | | | | Dear للاستشارات والتدريب S.C.T.C, This email is regarding the monetization of your video "جدول أعمال 2012 - 2013 | S.C.T.C للاستشارات والتدريب" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHtMqOFs_JI). We need to verify that you are authorized to commercially use all of the visual and audio elements in your video such as: Visuals: - Images, video games, or software visuals licensed for commercial use require a copy of a license agreement, or a link to the terms. Learn more
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Audio: - Royalty-free music requires: the song title, artist name, a direct link to the track, and a link to the terms
- If you are the artist, please provide us with your name, song title, the composer/publisher, and music label
- Music you created using software loops or portions of preexisting musical recordings requires that you identify the program used and its terms. Learn more
- Original compositions from third parties require written permission from the rights' owner(s) stating that you are permitted to use their content commercially containing the video's URL
- For a musical composition in the public domain, please link us to a primary (original or scholarly) source demonstrating the status of the composition
Please submit required informationhere. Note that your video may not be monetized if we do not hear from you within 14 days. YouTube reserves the right to make the final decision whether to monetize a video, and partners who repeatedly submit ineligible videos may lose the ability to monetize. Thanks, The YouTube Team | | | | | | | | ©2016 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 | | | | |