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Why is stretching so important? The benefits will surprise you

Learn how stretching and flexibility can help you improve your balance and prevent falls!

Learn how stretching and flexibility can help you improve your balance and prevent falls!

Special Announcement Harvard Medical School

Discover simple stretches that improve balance, increase flexibility, and ease pain!

35 stretches to ease pain and improve flexibility
Over 100 tips and techniques
Special Bonus Section: Warming up for sports
And more!
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Plus you’ll get FREE online access to additional stretching exercises with master trainer Josie Gardiner. Watch Now.

Pretzel Stretch

Dear visitor,

Does it hurt to turn your head to see cars in the lane behind you? Do your knees and back feel stiff and achy? Is it difficult to reach the cereal on the top shelf or bend down to pick up something off the floor?

Would you like to find an easy way to become more flexible, ease pain, improve your balance, and prevent falls that can threaten your independence?

Then take a look at this report from Harvard Medical School — Stretching: 35 stretches to improve flexibility and reduce pain.

In this Special Health Report, you’ll discover:

How a tight ankle or calf muscle can make you more likely to fall
The secret to making arthritic joints more flexible
4 ways to make stretching easier
The trick to being flexible enough to touch your toes (check out page 5)
The best stretches to do to increase your range of motion
2 muscles that can give you a pain in the back, and how you can get relief
And so much more!

You’ll learn how stretching and flexibility can help you improve your balance and prevent falls. Plus, you’ll get photos of master trainer Josie Gardiner performing 35 different stretches, as well as her tips for how to customize them to your ability. You’ll find moves to boost overall flexibility and loosen up tight muscles, plus specific stretches to ease back pain, sore knees, and the neck and shoulder pain that comes from spending too much time sitting at a desk staring at a computer!

To see how effective stretching can be — watch the video at right now.

Plus, you’ll get a special section on the stretches that warm you up before your workout, and charts that detail which stretches are best for a variety of sports, like golf, tennis, cycling, walking, swimming, and more.

Don’t miss this amazing report! Click here and order today. There’s no risk.


Gregory Curfman, MD
Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Publications

P.S. Click here now to see the move that can ease low back pain and even sciatica.

Harvard Medical School offers special reports on over 50 health topics.
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Harvard Health Publications, 10 Shattuck Street, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02115, USA

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