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Food Safety News - January 15, 2016 Custom-exempt slaughter should not be expanded

Food Safety News

Custom-exempt slaughter should not be expanded

By Dena Jones

Custom-exempt slaughter is a little known practice that could expand in size and impact throughout the United States if pending legislation is approved y Congress — and that is almost certainly not a good thing. The "exempt" in custom-exempt means a slaughter operation is excused from continuous inspection, unlike federal- and state-inspected slaughter, where government... Continue Reading

CDC says cruises pose low risk for acute gastroenteritis

By News Desk

Outbreaks from foodborne pathogens on cruise ships in the past couple of years provided high-profile headlines, but federal statistics suggest the risk factor for passengers is relatively low. Between 2008 and 2014, about 74 million passengers sailed on cruise ships in U.S. jurisdictions. During that time, 129,678 passengers had illnesses meeting the definition of "acute... Continue Reading

Chipotle execs say 'confused' customers will be back soon

By Coral Beach

Chipotle Mexican Grill's executive team boosted Wall Street's confidence in the company by characterizing the chain's customers as confused and predicting they would all return by next year. The occupants of the Denver-based chain's C-Suite discussed public reaction and corporate responses to a string of Salmonella, E. coli and norovirus outbreaks linked to their restaurants... Continue Reading

The cardiologist who would be FDA commissioner is in big demand

By Dan Flynn

The heart doctor who is waiting for the U.S. Senate to confirm his appointment as Commissioner of the U.S.Food and Drug Administration has been keeping the schedule of a famous cardiologist. Dr. Robert M. Califf's meetings with "persons outside the executive branch of the federal government" have been publicly disclosed by FDA ever since he... Continue Reading

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Today's Number
Building a Better Salad
Chickpeas are rich in soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, which helps prevent digestive disorders. Just one cup of this legume will provide you with 13 grams of dietary fibers, and adding them into your diet is as simple as tossing them into a salad.
The Good Life
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Banana Smoothie Breakfast: Apple and Banana Smoothie
Stir Fry Lunch: Chicken Stir-Fry
Ratatouille Dinner: Ratatouille
Tip of the Day
Dr. Oz's Favorite Home Remedies
Create a natural remedy for your sore throat by mixing 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of water, and 1 tablespoon of honey together. Honey lubricates your throat as the vinegar helps to remove any bacteria.

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Baby boomers have the highest rates of this liver-damaging virus. But it rarely causes symptoms -- so how would you know if you had it?

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