Walmart's Great Value frozen cherries recalled for listeria risk
By News Desk  Some frozen, organic, sweet, pitted cherries packaged under Walmart's Great Value brand are under recall after producer Sunrise Growers Inc. found Listeria monocytogenes during routine testing. Distribution details — such cities and states — were incomplete in the recall notice, posted Wednesday on the Food and Drug Administration's website. Sunrise Growers shipped the frozen organic... Continue Reading More than 10 tons of chicken kabobs recalled for Listeria
By News Desk  A Canadian company is recalling more than 20,000 pounds of chicken skewer products from U.S. stores because American officials found Listeria monocytogenes during a routine foreign shipment inspection. Expresco Foods Inc. of Montréal, Québec, distributed the 20,446 pounds of "fully cooked chicken skewer items" before the recall notice was posted by the USDA's Food Safety... Continue Reading Arkansas Salmonella outbreak centers on Stuttgart restaurant
By News Desk  Epidemiological work by the Arkansas Department of Health suggests an outbreak involving as many as 30 people in the Stuttgart, AR, is likely centered on the local Chuck Wagon Restaurant. In a statement Wednesday, the department (ADH) said it has four confirmed cases of salmonella in the outbreak, which it began investigating Aug. 18. The... Continue Reading Men who go vegetarian more likely to have serious depression
By Dan Flynn  Remove meat from a man’s diet, and he may well slip into depression. The current issue of the prestigious Journal of Affective Disorders, which includes the report entitled “Vegetarian diets and depressive symptoms among men,” comes to that conclusion. Mental health benefits and risks of vegetarian diets are subjects about which little is known, according... Continue Reading New York dairy recalls cheese after positive test for Listeria
By Kelsey M. Mackin  A Cayuga County, NY, dairy is recalling three kinds of cheese because it has tested positive for Listeria, which can cause serious infections. A food safety alert posted by the New York State Department of Agriculture warns consumers not to eat “Old Fashioned Raw Milk Monterey Jack,” “Horseradish Monterey Jack” or “Chipotle Adobo Monterey Jack” cheeses, produced by Ripley Dairy LLC,... Continue Reading More Food Safety News |