Public overwhelmingly favors term 'lab-grown' over 'clean' meat
By News Desk  Consumer Reports, published by the 7 million-member nonprofit Consumers Union, last week reported on survey results showing the public expects laboratory-produced meat from cultured animal cells to be clearly labeled. The results show the public favors different language that those pushing the new products. "By an overwhelming margin, our survey found that consumers want clear... Continue Reading Boiling during home canning won't prevent botulism poisoning
By Kelsey M. Mackin  People across the country are gearing up for home canning in efforts to preserve summer flavors for year-round enjoyment. Consequently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now reminding the public that knowing how to can safely is essential to preventing the growth of dangerous bacteria. "Home canning is a great way to preserve your garden goodies. But beware: if it's done the... Continue Reading More Food Safety News |