No, really, how are you? I ask that knowing full well that your life has been turned sideways. But the fact that you opened this email means you're committed to your well-being. And right now, there's nothing easy about that. Thankfully there are things we can all do — for ourselves and for each other that will make a difference. We can pause and breathe. We can aim to stay hydrated and take a break from the news. We can try to get some rest. And while we physically distance we can socially connect by checking in with friends, family, and neighbors. Every morning I write down the things I'm grateful for. On my lists this week: health workers, grocery clerks, delivery drivers, restaurant staff, and my job, which gives me the chance to share important information with all of you at such a critical time. Thank you for staying connected to Healthline — for counting on us to bring you the latest updates about COVID-19 and practical stories like the ones below. Together, we'll get through this. Take care of yourselves, Erin Petersen Editor in Chief, Healthline |