What if we told you we’d discovered the most effective weight-loss tool in the world—a weapon that works for everyone, costs just pennies a day, is available at any grocery store, requires no sweat or stress, and can be used anywhere it’s convenient. That secret tool is green tea—a humble drink that forms the basis of The 17-Day Green Tea Diet. Green tea has been cherished as a health miracle for centuries, but one that science is finally coalescing around. Literally hundreds of studies have been carried out to document the health benefits of catechins, the group of antioxidants concentrated in the leaves of tea plants. And the most powerful of all catechins, a compound called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is found almost exclusively in green tea. EGCG can simultaneously boost lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of new fat cells). How can you make this high-powered metabolism-booster work for you? The 17-Day Green Tea Diet is filled with fat-melting secrets and strategies, all based on scientific research conducted at respected institutions around the world. For example: Drink it for Breakfast: Your body absorbs the nutrients in green tea most effectively when you drink it at least four hours after your last meal, making it a perfect breakfast every morning. Add a Splash of Lemon: When you sip tea, a significant percentage of the polyphenol antioxidants break down before they reach your bloodstream. But researchers at Purdue University discovered that adding lemon juice to the equation helped preserve the polyphenols. Upgrade to Matcha: The concentration of EGCG—the superpotent nutrient found in green tea—may be as much as 137 times greater in powdered matcha tea. One study found that men who drank green tea containing 136 milligrams of EGCG—what you’d find in a single 4-gram serving of matcha—lost twice as much weight than a placebo group and four times as much belly fat over the course of three months. Discover exactly how to lose up to 14 pounds in just 17 days with The 17-Day Green Tea Diet. Get it now, from your favorite online book retailer. |