Ground pork sausage recalled by Northern Colorado company
By News Desk  Colorado’s Atlas Meat Co. in Fort Collins Wednesday recalled just more than a ton of pork sausage because of misbranding, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The pork products may contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is not declared on the product label, according to the recall notice. The ground... Continue Reading Tenth Amendment Center wants states to legalize raw milk
By Dan Flynn  Mike Maharrey, national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center, says at this point his organization is tracking and reporting on a a trio of bills to legalize raw milk in Alaska, Hawaii, and North Dakota. The 10-year old Tenth Amendment Center (TAC) was founded by Michael Boldin, who favors an expansive reading of the... Continue Reading Researchers need retail help with cantaloupe safety project
By News Desk  Growers are enthusiastically helping a team of scientists researching how cantaloupes pick up and pass on pathogens in a first-of-its-kind project, but retailers have not stepped up. The two-year study is at the half-way point and only one retailer has agreed to share with the researchers how cantaloupe is handled in stores, according to an... Continue Reading More Food Safety News |