Dear e-newsletter subscriber, Mayo Clinic is committed to helping patients, caregivers, and families better understand Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Today I'm pleased to share a great resource — the result of the latest research combined with years of patient care experience. Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's Disease, is a 367-page book bringing you our latest information about risk factors and treatments for Alzheimer's. This book reveals many practical ways to help those impacted by the disease. You probably know that Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia. This disease robs the patient of memory, reason, good judgment and decision-making, communication skills, and personality. It's a terrible disease, and we're working for a cure. Treatments for Alzheimer's disease offer hope. Actively managing Alzheimer's and other conditions that cause dementia can significantly improve quality of life, both for the person with the condition and for his or her caregiver. This book is full of new discoveries we're eager to pass on to you ... - For example, Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's Disease tells you about advances in brain research that allow doctors to detect the condition in its earliest stages. This gives us hope for unraveling some of the real mysteries surrounding the disease.
- A critical development in medical technology is the ability to detect plaques in the living brain through molecular imaging. With this breakthrough, it's now possible to track progress of the disease and the effects of medication therapy on a patient.
- Many Alzheimer's patients can be helped by treating their coexisting conditions, such as depression, anxiety or a sleep disorder. Often, treating these conditions results in improved general health and potentially even better cognition.
Until research brings us ways to cure or prevent Alzheimer's, you can take steps to keep your brain healthy, your mind alert, and yourself engaged in the world around you ... - Most experts agree you can improve your memory by adopting some everyday habits. This is a great possibility, and tips in the book may help you accomplish it. You'll learn six habits that may be your best bets for maintaining your memory.
- More good news — the behaviors that have the greatest potential for reducing your risk of Alzheimer's disease are also the ones that may have the greatest impact on improving your overall health and wellness — true head-to-toe health!
- Controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol also appears to be a factor in your future brain health. That's good news, as you should do those things anyway!
Practical guidance for caregivers, preventive measures for all ... Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's Disease brings you a broad range of essential information on aging and your brain. Many people know more about heart health, yet brain health is no less important to your future health, happiness and independence. The book is an easy read, too — no complex medical jargon or language that only scientists can understand. You'll learn what's normal and what's not when it comes to aging and your brain. The most common causes of dementia-like symptoms. Common tests and evaluations your doctor may suggest. How Alzheimer's differs from other dementias. What is mild cognitive impairment, and how to treat it. If you are the friend, loved one or caregiver for someone with Alzheimer's, this book is a must-read. You'll learn about treatment goals, medications, strategies to deal with changing behaviors, and best ways to approach advanced or severe cases. This information can significantly improve quality of life, both for the patient and for you. Let me put a copy of Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's Disease in your hands right away. It's the result of years of research, and we're delighted to be able to offer it to you. You know how important it is to take care of your heart, watch your weight, and get regular exercise. Your brain is the central processor that brings it all together! So in addition to helping you help someone who has dementia, this book is about doing everything you can to keep your own brain healthy. For only $29.95 you'll be doing yourself a real favor by requesting your copy today. |