Take our quiz to find out!

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| | I recently took one of Healthline's mental health quizzes and discovered that "mindfulness" is my stress coping style. I also found out which activities and supplements could help me chill out when I'm overwhelmed. | "Chaos is your kryptonite," the results informed me. True. "You need calm in your life and look inward to feel centered." Also true! | Want to find out your personal coping style? Scroll down to learn more and take the same quiz. | | | | Be well, Morgan Mandriota Newsletter Editor, Healthline | | | | |
|  | | Written by Morgan Mandriota April 29, 2024 • 3 min read | | | | | | |
|  | | How do you cope with stress? | Some people like to blow off steam by going for a run or hitting the gym — and shout out to them! When I'm tense, the last thing I want to do is exercise. I prefer to vent to someone, journal on my couch, or unwind by the water. As confirmed by this quiz, self-reflection and mindfulness strategies like these are my go-to stress relief remedy.️ | Calling my best friend ranting to vent about what just pissed me off helps to ground me. Freewriting (rage writing) in my journal allows me to get my thoughts out of my spiraling brain and down on paper. Sitting on a big rock alongside the Hudson River, staring off at the mountains reminds me just how small I am, and how small my problems are. These are some of the self-care strategies I regularly lean on, and they tend to de-stress me every time.️ | If you can't think of anything that helps to relieve your stress or you're looking for new self-care ideas, taking our coping style quiz might be a good place to start!️ | This quiz is no substitute for therapy or professional advice, of course — it's more of a fun and insightful self-assessment that I wanted to share in case it could help anyone. If you're interested and have 5 minutes to spare, I recommend you try it out.️ | | | | | | |
| | Another Speks toy! | | | |  | Speks Gump Stress Balls | I recently gushed about Speks' tiny magnetic balls in another newsletter. This time, we're talking about another fidget toy from the same brand: Gump! Gump is a super squishy stress ball made from memory gel that you can stretch, squeeze, and smush. This pack comes with three balls — keep or gift them as you will. | | Every product we recommend has gone through either Healthline's or Optum Store's vetting processes. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline and Optum Store are owned by RVO Health. | | | | | | | | |