Ruth's Salads expands recall of pimento spread for Listeria risk
By News Desk  Ruth's Salads has expanded a limited recall of pimento spread to include additional sizes and flavors, as well as a pineapple cream cheese product because random testing by state inspectors found Listeria monocytogenes. The expanded recall notice posted on the Food and Drug Administration's website Thursday does not specify whether the pathogen was found in... Continue Reading 'Disease detectives' sickened by pulled pork at Olympiad event
By News Desk  One of more than 20 events at the Florida Gateway College Science Olympiad this past Saturday was a competition for "Disease Detectives." About 200 students, chaperones, teachers and college faculty members were involved in the Olympiad and after a volunteer-provided lunch, more than 50 became sick enough to be taken — some by ambulance —... Continue Reading DeCosters gain another ally as government gets more time
By Dan Flynn  The Supreme Court has granted the government an extra 30 days to respond to request that the high court review a ruling by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that upheld three-month sentences for two former egg executives who were linked to a massive Salmonella outbreak. The new deadline for the Office of the Solicitor General to... Continue Reading More Food Safety News |