| | Week of 10/27/2016 - Featured Board Post Sometimes the Little Stuff is the Big Stuff in Disguise I've been struggling for the last few weeks with no change on the scale after losing 4 pounds quickly, so I was feeling down. Then when I spoke to my husband about it last night, I realized I was focusing on the one thing I'd promised myself I wouldn't: the number on the scale. When I started SparkPeople I told myself that my goal was to make small changes over a long period of time. My first change was to add in regular exercise. I now have a five-week streak of at least 10 minutes a day. Two weeks ago, I added a new change. I decided to try to actively add more fruits and vegetables to my diet. Now I am challenging myself to eat at least two servings a day. When I complained that my weight wasn't changing, my husband pointed out that I was "more toned" than before. Hopefully my efforts are starting to make a visible difference. I've moved my watch band up a notch and my socks don't seem as tight, so I think he's right. Thanks for all the support!
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| Just keeping healthy. We just need to keep it up.Made goal an have kept it off over a year. | | | | ...Go To DWPHILL Page | | Join the movement by clicking the link below to earn your SparkPoints, or connecting with SparkPeople in one of these other ways: |
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