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How to Time Your Workout Snacks Right

When you have type 2 diabetes, exercise can make your blood sugar levels drop. Here's how to plan ahead and fuel up the way you need to.
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  Weight Loss Wisdom
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Hiking is My New Chocolate
Week of 06/14/2018 - Featured Blog Post
Hiking is My New Chocolate

Day 21, down 7 pounds on my journey to health and happiness. My daydreams of chocolate have started to subside and in place is my slightly masochistic love of hiking with steep hills. Never in any of my previous attempts at weight loss have I been this focused. For the first couple of weeks I walked laps in the gym of my husband's school and started to feel like a hamster on a wheel. I was counting the minutes and seconds of my walks and justifying how this exercise earned me a cookie, chocolate, taco, etc.

Finally within the last few days, the rain has ceased and my husband, son and I went for a hike on the trails near our house. We started with the easiest which was a little over a half of a mile. With that one under our belts and more energy than we had anticipated, we went for the next challenging trail. This one had steep hills, narrow walkways and beautiful scenery. As we were walking, I was initially irritated. It was much more difficult than the first and more difficult than I felt I was prepared for in that moment. Looking ahead, I saw nothing but dips and steep hills. I sighed in anticipated exhaustion and then resigned myself that I would get through it and never do this one again.

I stared at my feet and the trail right in front of me and took it moment by moment. As we passed each mile marker, with my husband sweetly encouraging me with how well I was doing and how much we had left to go, my attitude changed. I had felt defeated by these hills but I was doing it. I felt my muscles tighten in my legs, calves, butt and back. I was thirsty and starting to get tired but I was starting to feel accomplished. I wasn't just surviving it, I was starting to like the challenge. As this happened I started to look up at everything I had been passing. It was beautiful and always changing. Overgrown fields, little ponds, cliffs, flocks, pussy willows and beautiful foliage that I can't quite describe. I was in awe and didn't realize that I had started walking so fast! Within a few more minutes we had reached the end of our two-mile trail and I felt incredible. Since then, we have hiked the trails every day and I can't wait to go back tomorrow!

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The Sun Always Rises

My name is Emily and I've been here awhile, I started my journey on November 4th, 2009 after finding...

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