By Dan Flynn on Aug 29, 2018 12:05 am With the publication of an Organic Dairy Scoreboard, added to its other consumer guides, the 10-year-old Cornucopia Institute is once again telling the public to do some homework before going to the grocery store, especially if their shopping list includes organic food. A Wisconsin-based farm policy institute, the Cornucopia Institute previously published consumer scorecards for... Continue Reading By Coral Beach on Aug 29, 2018 12:04 am Researchers reported yesterday that a specific strain of E. coli found in 80 percent of the retail poultry and pork they tested matches the strain found in patients with urinary tract infections. Routine testing at poultry farms, however, does not screen for that strain. The year-long longitudinal study involved testing chicken, turkey and pork purchased... Continue Reading By Joe Whitworth on Aug 29, 2018 12:03 am Official food safety controls in Turkey can ensure that food of non-animal origin intended for export to the European Union meet requirements for primary production and processing, according to a report. The Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) audit looked at the systems in place to control microbiological contamination in food of non-animal... Continue Reading | |