In the chicken diet, you eat only chicken for every meal of the day. This article details the diet, including its potential benefits and downsides, to help you decide whether it's right for you.
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| | Today, our nutritionist responds to a reader's question about fasting. Scroll down to see their answer, and look out for a new Q&A next Wednesday. | | In the chicken diet, you eat only chicken for every meal of the day. This article details the diet, including its potential benefits and downsides, to help you decide whether it's right for you. | | ASK OUR | Nutritionist | | Q: Does fasting release toxins in the body? You may have heard that fasting supposedly releases toxins in the body. Our nutrition expert reviews whether that's true. | | Get the answer  | | | Do you know your hunger triggers? Learn how eating mindfully can help your body and mind in our 19 day challenge. JOIN THE CHALLENGE  | | |