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An Eco-Friendly Way to Freshen Your Garbage Disposal

We often overlook the garbage disposal until it stops working or the entire kitchen reeks. This convenient, DIY method will help freshen up the sink and lengthen its life span.
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An Eco-Friendly Way to Freshen Your Garbage Disposal
We often overlook the garbage disposal until it stops working or the entire kitchen reeks. This convenient, DIY method will help freshen up the sink and lengthen its life span.
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Day 9: Batch-cook some grains

Next-level food prep for plant-based diets.
Eat More Plants Challenge

DAY 9 OF 14

Batch-cook some grains

Grains are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that aren't as readily available in other foods. The important thing is to stick with whole grains as much as possible. The more refined the grain (think white flour used for baking) the less the nutritional oomph.

Plus, whole grains are a tasty addition to salads, bowls, soups — or you can just enjoy them as a side.

It's fine to start with white and brown rice (there's a reason rice is a staple in so many world cuisines!) and oats (not just for breakfast!). But if you're feeling bold, venture out and explore barley and farro, as well as "pseudo grains" such as amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, wild rice. (These are actually seeds but have the characteristics of grains.)

For today's challenge: Scoop up a couple of cups of a whole grain of your choice and cook them up. This will make several servings that you can enjoy for a few days.

Any of the grains mentioned above can be cooked simply on the stove with a bit of water or broth (check out this great online resource for cooking instructions). If you have a slower cooker, Instant Pot, or rice cooker, those work great too — just follow the instructions for your particular appliance.

Shopping tip
You can find many of the grains mentioned above in a regular supermarket. If you have access to a store that sells things in bulk, that's a great way to buy grains in small quantities and try them out.

Until tomorrow,
The Healthline Team

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660 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

Day 9: Batch-cook some grains

Next-level food prep for plant-based diets.
Eat More Plants Challenge

DAY 9 OF 14

Batch-cook some grains

Grains are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that aren't as readily available in other foods. The important thing is to stick with whole grains as much as possible. The more refined the grain (think white flour used for baking) the less the nutritional oomph.

Plus, whole grains are a tasty addition to salads, bowls, soups — or you can just enjoy them as a side.

It's fine to start with white and brown rice (there's a reason rice is a staple in so many world cuisines!) and oats (not just for breakfast!). But if you're feeling bold, venture out and explore barley and farro, as well as "pseudo grains" such as amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, wild rice. (These are actually seeds but have the characteristics of grains.)

For today's challenge: Scoop up a couple of cups of a whole grain of your choice and cook them up. This will make several servings that you can enjoy for a few days.

Any of the grains mentioned above can be cooked simply on the stove with a bit of water or broth (check out this great online resource for cooking instructions). If you have a slower cooker, Instant Pot, or rice cooker, those work great too — just follow the instructions for your particular appliance.

Shopping tip
You can find many of the grains mentioned above in a regular supermarket. If you have access to a store that sells things in bulk, that's a great way to buy grains in small quantities and try them out.

Until tomorrow,
The Healthline Team

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Our services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See additional disclaimer information.
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660 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94107