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Stop Food Guilt Forever and Cheat Your Way to the Body that You Want

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Last year, our friend Melissa Milne asked 10,000 women how they feel about their bodies, weight, and food. The answers were shock­ing: more than 80 percent feel guilty after a dec­adent meal; nearly 60 percent have dieted down a dress size to appease a man; almost two-thirds say they have been body-shamed by another woman—and 50 percent would rather be skinnier than happier or smarter. These women are sick and tired of feeling bad while trying to lose weight. And Milne has the solution: Don't be perfect—just be Naughty.

The Naughty Diet spot-reduces every woman's biggest trouble area: guilt. It works wonders for the body and mind.
—Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News Chief Women's Health Correspondent

The Naughty Diet says screw guilt and pass the wine. It's the anti-diet, breaking the traditional rules of dieting so women can be free to lose weight without losing themselves. By the end of the pro­gram, you'll be able to stop counting calories, master your cravings, banish negative thoughts, eat with pleasure, and be the healthiest, happiest you.

A manifesto for a new generation of women who are tired of being told how to look and what to eat, The Naughty Diet will make food—and the mirror—your friend once more. Melissa Milne has armed young women with the weapons they need to fight back against food guilt and body shaming while creating a healthy lifestyle, both mentally and physically.
—Joanna Coles, Editor-in-Chief, Cosmopolitan

The Naughty Diet offers an anti-diet, breaking the traditional rules of dieting so women lose weight without losing them­selves. Follow­ing this plan, the majority of your day revolves around enjoying the principles of healthy living, as well as healthy eating. But you'll experience them not as restrictions, but as releases, by follow­ing the four Naughty Mantras:

  • I will not count calories
  • I will not make myself go hungry
  • I will commit to the single best source for my food
  • I will no longer feel shame

You'll drop pounds—and the emotional baggage that comes with them!
—Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN

Each chapter is built around a series of Naughty Steps, science-based, life-tested, attitude-adjusted approaches to food, exer­cise and life management that let you live life to the fullest, without shame, guilt, fear or confusion. You'll have more energy, look better, and feel strong, sexy and energetic. You'll also allow for indulgences including chocolate, wine, bread, and cheese. Now balanced, the guilt, and the pounds, will melt away.

Pre-order The Naughty Diet today and get ready to eat and cheat your way to the body you've always wanted!

Order The Naughty Diet now, in print or for your favorite e-reading device:
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