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Day 10. Keep at it — even when you trip up

It won't always be easy.
Slow Your Scroll Challenge

DAY 10 OF 10

Keep at it — even when you trip up

Congratulations on getting to the final day! Whether you tried all the challenges or completed just a few days, acknowledge your accomplishment.

After all, taking a closer look at your relationship with social media isn't easy. Social media is ubiquitous. Almost 7 in 10 Americans use social apps. When something is everywhere, engaging with it can become a reflex, making it a stubborn habit to break.

Think of a misstep as a restart

If you nose-dive into a social media rabbit hole, put down your phone, take a deep breath, and do something that fills your soul. Get some fresh air — "touch grass" — and forgive yourself.

Then, use these moments to your advantage. Missteps invite us to better understand what's behind our behavior: Maybe you scrolled for hours because you're burnt out. Or maybe you're upset about a work situation and needed the distraction.

Exploring, rather than shaming or blaming yourself, helps you:

Either way, you're not just building a healthier relationship with social media, you're forging a stronger relationship with yourself.

Today's challenge: Check in on this challenge, and your social use in general

Reflect on how the challenge went for you. Was time-blocking helpful? If so, maybe it should be a regular part of your routine.

You can also set up regular check-ins with yourself — or your kids — about social media usage.

A few things you could cover during these check-ins:

  • how your feed and the accounts you follow make you or your kids feel
  • the amount of time spent on social media and whether it feels balanced
  • whether you're still making time for offline friendships
  • the role social media plays in your or your kids' self-care (are you burying bad feelings or using it as a needed brain break?)
  • if you or your kids feel in control of social media usage

Remember: Having a healthy relationship with social media isn't about perfection or a certain set of rules. If you're interested in more resources to support the emotional health of you and your family, check out our Mental Well-Being Hub.

Thanks for joining us,
The Healthline Team

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