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Food Safety News - 09/03/2018 Faces of Food Safety: Meet Adanetch Gebrselassie of FSIS

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Faces of Food Safety: Meet Adanetch Gebrselassie of FSIS

By U.S. Department of Agriculture on Sep 03, 2018 12:05 am

Dr. Adanetch Gebreselassie's interest in public health began when she was nine years old. She credits her father, Dr. Gebreselassie Okubagzhi, an epidemiologist and a public health officer with the World Bank, for igniting that spark. "His specialty was HIV/AIDS, and I saw his passion for helping people," Gebreselassie said. "One day, he told me... Continue Reading

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Improve Your Weight And Mood By Hiring An Emotional Eating Coach

By Christine Barnes

Your feelings can have an impact on how and what you eat. A lot of people who are depressed, stressed or simply bored turn to food in order to feel so much better. Such can wreck not only the figure but also the overall health as the foods normally consumed are the kinds that are loaded with sugar, sodium, saturated fat and bad cholesterol. With such being the case, it is a good idea to hire a professional emotional eating coach.

It's not only about eliminating unwanted pounds. Rather, it also entails helping an individual considerably improve his or her connection with food. Ending up with one's ideal weight is just a secondary effect, although it's the kind that one would surely gladly have. In other words, the primary goal is to establish a healthier association with food.

Signing up a professional allows you to obtain a complete program. More importantly, it's tailor made according to your particular needs. Just like with any other program that has something to do with the diet, it's of utmost importance to take into account various factors that specifically pertain to the client. Some of those that are usually considered include the individual's age, lifestyle, diet preferences, medical history, and health or fitness goal. In some instances, the personality is also included in order to make the program work very well.

When it comes to emotional eating, triggering factors are taken into consideration as well. It's a must for a professional coach to help the client in recognizing the things that can bring about excessive consumption of unhealthy foods. The moment that they're identified, it can be more trouble free for the person to stay away from them.

Commonly, the plan includes strategies on coping with stress without you going for unhealthy foods. There are hundreds of activities around that are deemed highly effective for eliminating stress, and finding the ones that suit you the most is important. There are specific stress busting solutions for every stressed individual.

You may have a hard time completely turning your back on foods each time you feel stressed, depressed or even bored. The good news is having a pro around can help you enjoy better food options. By knowing which foods you should go for each time, there is no need for you to feel guilty afterwards. That's because both your general health and figure are no longer sacrificed each time.

Other than being a consultant, a coach also serves as your cheerleader. It's not really an easy task for you to want a positive change. You can rest assured that your progress will be hampered from time to time by challenges along the way. With a professional lending a hand, you can get there dodging hurdles effectively.

Definitely, it's important to hire an expert who is certified. It also matters that the individual has years of experience in the field and plenty of very satisfied clients. The very first step to ending emotional eating is finding the right coach.

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Why You Should Undergo Weight Loss Surgery New York

By Steven Stewart

Sometimes, people become obese because they develop bad eating habits. Being overweight is something that has disturbed so many people. These people have tried so many options to reduce BMI, but this has not worked for some people. However, when it comes to weight loss surgery New York has the best experts. This procedure, which is also called bariatric surgery, has worked very well. People have been able to shed off extra calories after undergoing this procedure. Hence, if you are obese, this is the best way to lose weight.

The purpose of weight loss surgery also called bariatric operation, is to make a person eat less food than normal. This is achieved by reducing the elasticity or size on ones stomach. Thus, a person will eat less compared to normal people. This will make the person full very fast hence he/she ends up eating very little food. In return, the individual will start shedding off calories.

Bariatric includes gastric bypass, gastric banding, gastric placation and sleeve gastrectomy to mention but a few. It is the work of your doctor to select the procedure that will best suit you. The surgeon thus assesses your condition, and after several tests, he will determine the best option. Also, the doctor should give you an insight into the importance and benefits as well as associated risks of the procedure.

When one agrees to go through this procedure, the health of that person will be improved. This is because the health risks of obesity are many. Some include cardiovascular problems, heart attack, and heart failure among others. Hence, by undertaking this surgical procedure, one reduces the risk of such diseases or conditions. In addition to that, this procedure helps in reducing the effects of diabetes type II.

Bariatric operation helps to relieve depression in people. Usually, obese people tend to have low self-esteem because of their big bodies. They thus become subject to bullying hence they develop depression and social stigma. They also tend to be discriminated against especially in schools. This procedure thus helps them to become more confident thus their esteem becomes boosted.

Chronic joint pain is a condition that is experienced by weighty people. This is because they put their joints under considerable pressure as well as stress due to all the calories they carry around. Joint pains make walking a problem thus it can affect ones routine. The procedure can, therefore, help to reduce the calories thus reducing the pressure on joints.

People who are obese tend to develop many problems like OSA. This is also called obstructive sleep asphyxia. After undergoing the bariatric procedure, these people can sleep comfortably without using CPAP to help them during their sleep. More so, fertility issues and other conditions like metabolic complications, pregnancy complications, and gallbladder disease become alleviated.

Adding calories is very easy but losing them is a very difficult task. Most people are struggling with obesity due to inability to control their eating. Some have tried all way possible to become less weighty but nothing has worked. They thus end up turning to bariatric operation. This procedure has helped so many people to achieve a BMI below 35.

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The No. 1 Tip to Prevent Overeating This Labor Day

"If you're a 'snacker,' snack smarter. Choose a fruit or vegetable that you enjoy over a candy bar or other sugary treat. I know, easier said than done. But certain fruits, such as berries, are low in carbs and quite tasty."— Peggy J. Moreland, M.S.N., R.N.
Healthy Eating
Lose weight with mindful eating
How many calories do you consume without even realizing it? Mindful eating — especially during social situations — is an effective weight-loss strategy that encourages you to slow down and pay more attention to your food. It helps focus your senses on exploring, savoring and tasting, and teaches you to follow hunger cues. Put mindful eating into practice with these ideas as you prepare and eat meals this holiday weekend. It gets easier over time!
Try these effective strategies »
Healthy Cooking
Healthy dessert idea: Fruit kebabs!
Are you on dessert duty this Labor Day weekend? No problem. Skip the cookies and serve up these tasty fruit kebabs. They're flavorful, easy to prepare and even more fun to eat!

Get the recipe »
Today's Weight-Loss Tip
Personalize your plan for success
Whether you're trying to eat better, exercise more or make another healthy change, no one plan works for everyone. That's why it's a must to make your plan your own. Take a day off from exercise, or enjoy one of your favorite foods once in a while. The more you make your program work for you, the less likely you are to rebel against it later on.


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