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3 posture tips to get the most out of a core workout

Quick posture checks can help you avoid injury and squeeze the biggest benefit from your workout.
Harvard Medical School

3 posture tips to get the most out of a core workout

Good posture is important, even during exercise. Quick posture checks before and during a core exercise routine can help you avoid injury and squeeze the biggest benefit from your workout. Here is what you need to know:

  1. Stand up straight. When instructions for an exercise ask you to stand up straight, that means keeping your:

    • chin parallel to the floor

    • shoulders even (roll them up, back, and down to help achieve this)

    • arms at your sides, elbows relaxed and even

    • abdominal muscles pulled in

    • hips even

    • knees even and pointing straight ahead

    • feet pointing straight ahead

    • body weight evenly distributed on both feet.

  2. Stay in neutral. Neutral alignment means keeping your body in a straight line from head to toe except for the slight natural curves of the spine. Whether you're standing or seated, that means your spine is not flexed or arched to overemphasize the curve of the lower back. One way to find neutral is to tip your pelvis forward as far as is comfortable, then tip it backward as far as is comfortable. Neutral is roughly in the middle. If you're not used to standing or sitting up straight, it may take a while for this to feel natural. A neutral wrist is firm and straight, not bent upward or downward.

  3. Get the angle. When angles appear in exercise instructions, visualize a 90-degree angle as an L. To visualize a 30-degree angle, mentally slice the 90-degree angle into thirds, or picture the distance between a clock's minute hand and hour hand at one o'clock.

Product Page - Core Exercises
Want to bring more power to athletic pursuits? Build up your balance and stability? Or are you simply hoping to make everyday acts like bending, turning, and reaching easier? A strong, flexible core underpins all these goals. Core muscles need to be strong, yet flexible, and core fitness should be part of every exercise program.

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Achieving and maintaining good posture during your workouts takes a little practice. If possible, look in a mirror when exercising. Try to take a few moments each day to practice better posture, too.

For more details on core exercises and advice on ways to strengthen your core, buy Core Exercises, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.

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Core Exercises

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The importance of your core
Safety first
Posture, alignment, and angles: Striking the right pose
Getting started
Special Bonus Section: Setting goals and motivating yourself
•  ... and more!

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Doctors Are Understanding Breathwork Therapy

By Nancy Gardner

Throughout the Seventies and Eighties, doctors largely ignored the rise of interest in and experts on the holistic medical approach to disease. These days many people are seeking a balanced approach, and many lack the insurance necessary to see traditional doctors. With such changes in attitude, the medical field has been forced to take a closer look at techniques such as breathwork therapy.

For a patient and their physician to appreciate why and how many holistic methods can be effective, they must first acknowledge that there is a connection between the mind and the body. This can be difficult for a doctor trained only in pharmaceutical treatments to accept. However, how we feel about our lives, our illness, and ourselves can impact whether or not we get well.

Many individuals who follow occult-type spiritual practices, also known as the New Age Movement, strongly believe in the mind and body connection. Some will take it so far that they fake being cheerful, actually afraid that any negative thoughts may make them sick. Being afraid to think negative thoughts certainly takes the notion too far in the other direction; however, it has been documented in the treatment of cancer patients that one who suffers depression is less likely to win their battle than one with a more cheery disposition.

Deeper breathing helps to calm the mind. Psychologists have begun to utilize these methods to treat a host of psychological issues, and they have found great success in treating those who suffer panic attacks. Because a panic attack can cause one to hyperventilate, a patient who is able to control their breath can actually help themselves through these moments of anxiety.

Helping adults with Asperger Syndrome to get through anxious moments is one area that this treatment has shown great results. This is helpful both to the autistic adult, as well as anyone who helps care for or watch over them. Panic attacks afflict many people, but none so dramatic as one who falls within the autistic spectrum.

The treatment is obviously helpful to those with asthma or COPD, as regular practice of deep breathing helps the lungs to expand more and allows more air to flow. Anyone with these ailments knows that they are tested for their oxygen saturation, and if it is low they could be in trouble. Deep breathing exercises definitely help keep the blood oxygenated.

The average person, when breathing, only fills their lungs with normal aspiration. However, there are times when the body needs more O2, and will force us to inhale all the way through the diaphragm in what we call yawning. The body demands this of us whenever our oxygen saturation is low because there are more shallow blood vessels in the diaphragm.

For many facing serious illness, finding the right treatment means a balance between traditional medicine and a holistic approach. There are a few holistic MDs out there, but they are few and hard to find. When facing life-threatening illness, one must become their own case manager in order to find the treatments that will best work for them.

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Why Protein Water Is Becoming Famous

By Nancy Gardner

Almost every person has the desire of losing weight or maintaining the weight that they already have. This could also be translated to the goal of having a good figure physically. This has even become a trend these days as more and more people are becoming health and body conscious. The good thing is that there are many ways on how you could achieve the body figure that you desire.

This could be done through proper exercise and constantly watching what you are eating as this is the main cause of excess fats. Being in the right weight is very important as this promotes health not only for the outer aspect of the body but on the inner part as well. Many products are also available which could help you in this objective of yours. For example, protein water is now highly utilized for this purpose.

Aside from shedding off weight, you must be aware that it has to be maintained as well. Controlling the weight which you have is necessary. Until you shed the necessary amount, you should keep it under. Protein waters are type of water that contains more protein than other types of minerals. The biggest benefit that you will get from this is the ability to lose weight.

Cravings and having it is one thing that you have to battle all the time. This is especially common for those who are following a certain diet. Because you were deprived of the things you usually eat before, the cravings could sometimes be hard to bear. This particular water allows to sate your cravings without adding anything to your weight count.

There are many benefits to investing and storing protein in your body. It helps you in stocking more energy which is necessary for daily use. Those who are following a diet plan usually have lesser energy since their meals are limited. But when you bank on proteins, you will still have the same levels of energy as you have before without ruining the diet plan.

Instead of water, you could utilize this type of water. According to research, it is easier to achieve lean and toned muscles when you pack your body with protein. Aside from a good figure, everyone wants to have toned muscles and a good figure. Because of this, it would be better if people make use of this.

Protein is also known to have good benefits for the mind. Cognitive functions dictate how you react and understand things. When this improved, you will have no problem in understanding certain things. Aside from that, your mental capacity could increase as well.

Every single day, the tissues of your organs could become exposed to damage. Simple resting would not heal them completely. This could affect the function of each organ. Through taking in enough protein, your body would have the necessary elements for it to heal. This is highly necessary for people going through certain conditions and those who have been in accidents.

Others are still doubtful about this particular thing. Because of that, you should know first the specifics before deciding on a particular water. It might also be hard to decide because of the many choices that you have.

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Report: Jimmy Carter’s Melanoma Has Spread to His Brain

Former President Jimmy Carter announced this week that he’s undergoing an aggressive course of radiation treatment to attack the melanoma that was first discovered in his liver, and has now spread to his brain.

This may come as a surprise to those who are unaware that melanoma, a skin cancer, can attack the liver, brain, and other internal organs. Learn the need-to-know facts on this common cancer below – especially because of the seven most common cancers in the U.S., melanoma is the only one whose incidence is increasing.
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Report: Jimmy Carter’s Melanoma Has Spread to His Brain
Former President Jimmy Carter announced this week that he’s undergoing an aggressive course of radiation treatment to attack the melanoma that was first discovered in his liver, and has now spread to his brain.

This may come as a surprise to those who are unaware that melanoma, a skin cancer, can attack the liver, brain, and other internal organs. Learn the need-to-know facts on this common cancer below – especially because of the seven most common cancers in the U.S., melanoma is the only one whose incidence is increasing.
Nicholas English
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