This Is An Educational Website That Is Specialist In Collecting The Recent And The Most Important Trusted Information And Researches In The Nutrition Therapy And Weight Loss Field. This Is One Of The Educational Websites That Owned By S.C.T.C For Counseling And Training Program. Our Main Products In The Market Is Nutrition Therapy, Human Development, Human Resource, Management Science. One Of The Best Product We Produce Is Nutrition Therapy And Obesity Management Certified Diploma

14 Herbal Teas and Their Health Benefits

They're not really "tea" at all, but people use herbal varieties like rooibos and chamomile for all kinds of health problems. What does the science say about how well they work?
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Tuesday, March 06, 2018
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14 Herbal Teas and Their Health Benefits
They're not really "tea" at all, but people use herbal varieties like rooibos and chamomile for all kinds of health problems. What does the science say about how well they work?
How Sunlight Affects Your Health
While too much may lead to serious health problems, small doses can be good for you in several ways.
Why You Get Headaches
They could be caused by something unexpected, like exercising or having sex.
Help for Foot Problems
Here's what to do about bunions, corns, nail infections, and more.
What Is Inflammation?
It's been linked to heart attacks and diabetes. But is it always bad?
Are You Drinking Enough Water?
What's the truth about those 8 glasses a day? Here's how to tell if you aren't getting enough.

Diabetes: What's True and What's False?

"You'll know it if you have it." "Coffee can lower your risk of getting it." "Obesity can raise your odds." What's fact and what's fiction? Find out.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Tuesday, March 06, 2018
  Weight Loss Wisdom
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The Truth About Appetite Suppressants
Before you try these to shed pounds, get to know how they work. We weigh pros and cons.
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Do Artificial Sweeteners Raise Odds for Obesity?
Many people use them when trying to slim down -- but they could actually be tied to weight gain.
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Is Lettuce Fat-Free?
Why is olive oil better for you than corn oil? And is butter healthier than margarine? Get to know your fats and oils.
Workout Reviews