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“Comfort foods are so important”

Wise words from fitness icon Brooke Burke.
Wellness Wire
IN a nutshell
Remember when I admitted last year that my daily step count is far (read: thousands) below the recommended average? No? Cool, I'll just blow up my own spot again. Anyway…
Today's interview guest puts me and my lack of movement to shame –– introducing women's health icon Brooke Burke! Scroll down to read her words of wisdom on eating, exercising, and navigating your wellness journey.
Here's what you can expect in today's newsletter:
Q&A with Brooke Burke
the water bottle that helps me hit my hydration goals
how to heal your relationship with exercise
more health stories you need
Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriora
January 6, 2023 • 6 min read
TV host, cancer survivor, "Dancing with the Stars" champ, fitness educator, author, philanthropist, mother, and mindful wellness app founder –– Brooke Burke holds multiple (impressive!) titles. Over the last few decades, her work has focused on making women's health information fun, accessible, and inspiring to all.
Below, check out our chat with the fitness icon about her work, self-care routine, cancer diagnosis, and relationship to wellness.
Q: What's your advice for people who might know they need to exercise and take better care of their health but have a hard time starting?
A: Find your moments. Start small. Doing something is better than doing nothing at all. Maybe commit to 15 minutes per day. Make immediate goals, not long-term goals, like, "This week, I'm going to do XYZ."
Q: In a world where scrolling on smartphones may be more exciting than a walk around the block, can you offer tips for parents who need help teaching their children the importance of movement?
A: Yes, there's a little thing called screen time. Check it out! It shows you where you're spending your time. It's mind blowing. I give my children power to manage it themselves, but you can also manage it.
Check in every once in a while with yourself and your kids: How much time are you really spending sitting on your phone rather than moving? Doing that from time to time is a good thing.
Q: How has surviving thyroid cancer impacted the way you take care of your mind and body?
A: Being diagnosed with thyroid cancer was shocking because I made a business out of health and wellness and caring for my body. So, it goes to show there's something larger than you that can come along sometimes in life.
It has absolutely made me an advocate for health. That yearly physical? Got to do it. We have amazing information available to us [and] possibilities to marker our wellness journey and get as much information as we can about our bodies.
Brooke Burke
Q: What are some of your favorite healthy comfort foods?
A: I love smoothies, so Longevity, of course. An afternoon pick-me-up smoothie shake gives me everything I need for my body. Almonds. Fruit and nuts is a great combo. I love homemade hummus and vegetables.
Q: What are your favorite comfort foods on a splurge day?
A: Comfort foods are so important. I love to cook. I make a lot of soup –– soup for me is comfort food. I'm a sucker for good margherita pizza, especially in New York with olive oil on it and jalapenos. A good glass of wine, pizza, and french fries.

Click here to listen to the full interview with Brooke Burke on our Inside Mental Health podcast.
great finds
Editor faves with health perks
You know those great finds you just *have* to tell your friends about? That's how we feel about the products we recommend here. Every pick has been vetted by our editorial team, and we genuinely think it'll make your life better.
Zulu Goals Half Gallon Water Bottle
Zulu Goals Half Gallon Water Bottle
My toxic trait is that I'm always dehydrated despite knowing I need to drink more water. From water tracking apps to setting phone reminders, I've tried *so* many different ways to fight this habit, and nothing has helped me better than this Zulu Goals half-gallon water jug.
This 64-ounce bottle features a quick-release and lock lid plus markers for how much water to drink every 2 hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. These small hourly goals feel way more attainable than downing 8 cups a day at my leisure.
The only issue I've run into with this jug is keeping the straw *looking* clean. Despite how often or how hard you scrub it, the material stains pretty easily, so lipstick wearers and coffee drinkers beware. Otherwise, this bottle is a must-have for your #hydrationgoals.
Shop now
Tips for transforming fitness from foe to friend
Weird Science
Tips for transforming fitness from foe to friend
According to the World Health Organization, at least 1 in 4 adults don't get enough physical activity. Hi, it's me, I'm the 25% ... and that first question for Brooke Burke on how to start moving more was personal. If you're in a similar boat, rest assured there are steps we can take to heal our relationship with exercise.

No matter where you are on your health journey, here are some tips to become better friends with fitness:
  • Reflect on your triggers and reasons for avoidance. Journaling or speaking with a therapist can help with this.
  • Engage in the type of exercise that makes you feel good. Don't like the gym? Head outside for a hike.
  • Wear comfy clothes that feel freeing and less restrictive. Treat yourself to a new pair of leggings or running shoes.
  • Set intentions for each movement practice. If the goal of "losing weight" doesn't motivate you, consider aiming for fun instead.v
  • Reward yourself. A delicious post-workout smoothie or bath with a cup of your favorite tea can inspire you to get moving.
  • Shift your view of success from the number on the scale to how you feel in your body. Exercise-induced endorphins are a real thing!
  • Lean on a support team of doctors, therapists, and nutritionists to discover the right movement routine that meets your needs, especially if you're disabled or recovering from disordered eating or self-harm.

Good luck, and may 2023 be the year we all get healthier with the help of more accessible movement. We're rooting for you!

Over to you: What motivates you to get moving when you don't feel like it? Share your strategies with us at (Please note that we may use your name and response in an upcoming edition!)
health stories you need
What we're reading next
7 healthiest types of bread. Dozens of varieties of bread line store shelves and fill cookbooks, but some are more wholesome and nutrient-dense than others.
Are common nightmares actually warnings? Rather than serving as a premonition of a loved one dying or failing a test, your nightmares could hint toward a deeper mental health issue.
1-minute bursts of physical activity for longevity. A new study suggests that short brisk movements (like power walking) can reduce heart disease-related mortality by up to 49%.
How to deal with the January blues. Blue Monday (the third Monday in January) is statistically touted as the most depressing day of the year. Here's how to cope and feel better.
We tested over 50 nonalcoholic drinks and mixers. Check out our list of the best NA bevs to enjoy when you or a guest aren't feeling a cocktail, for whatever reason.
Ta-da! The first week of Wellness Wire 2023 is officially in the books. Enjoy your weekend, and we'll be back in your inbox on Monday with more health stories you need.
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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the first weekend of 2023.
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