"Make a list of healthy foods to buy, and avoid shopping for food when you're hungry. Shopping with a grocery list of healthy items will help you curb impulse purchases." — Adamarie Multari, M.D. |
 | Overcome Obstacles | 11 setback recovery tips | Did you indulge a little too much over the weekend? That's OK — stay positive and don't be hard on yourself. It's normal to slip into old bad habits from time to time, or hit a weight-loss plateau despite your best efforts. Simply be curious about your choices, and use your experiences as learning opportunities for the future. Don't give up — use these tips to get back on track. | Recommit to your goals with these strategies » |
Healthy Eating Follow the Healthy Weight Pyramid Unsure about which foods you should be eating — and how much? Let the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid be your cheat sheet to making smart eating choices. It's pretty simple to use. The goal is to choose most of your food from the groups at the base of the pyramid and less from the top — and to move more.
Learn these eating guidelines » |  |
Today's Fitness Tip 4 steps towards getting active Once you've made a plan to get more active, consider taking these four steps: 1. Start with easy activities to avoid burnout or injury. 2. Gradually build up your endurance. 3. Schedule specific times to be active — and make moving a priority. 4. Track your progress.
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