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Word of the Day: Convivial

Can you pronounce convivial?
Word Daily
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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adjective 1. (Of an atmosphere or event) Friendly, lively, and enjoyable.
2. (Of a person) Cheerful and friendly; jovial.
Play Button "The housewarming party's atmosphere was convivial and welcoming."
Play Button "Thérèse was a charming, convivial dinner host — and a fantastic cook, too."
Play Button "The volunteers were convivial to those who sought their help."
Latin, mid-17th century
Why This Word?
This adjective originates from the Latin "convivialis," which stems from "convivium," meaning "a feast." Hollywood award shows are known to be lavish affairs both in front of and behind the cameras, which makes for a convivial atmosphere for the nominees and audience. The Oscars, in particular, are noted for their luxurious gifts. ...
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