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Word of the Day: Profundity

Can you pronounce profundity?
Word Daily
Friday, June 28, 2024
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noun 1. Deep insight; great depth of knowledge or thought.
2. Great depth or intensity of a state, quality, or emotion.
3. A statement or idea that shows great knowledge or insight.
Play Button "Critics praised the artist's second album for the profundity of the lyrics."
Play Button "Carla was overwhelmed by the profundity of her emotions after the breakup."
Play Button "His self-help book is full of helpful profundities such as 'Nothing worth having comes easy.'"
Latin, mid-15th century
Why This Word?
"Profundity" was originally used to denote the vastness and depth of the ocean before the noun's meaning shifted to "depth of intellect, feeling, or spiritual mystery" in the 15th century. It developed from the Old French word "profundite" as well as the Latin words "profunditatem" ("depth, intensity, immensity") and "profundus" ("deep, vast"). ...
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