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Word of the Day: Raillery

Can you pronounce raillery?
Word Daily
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
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noun 1. Good-humored teasing.
Play Button "When Jamal was the only one who fell for the prank, the team directed a bit of raillery his way for the rest of practice."
Play Button "Some raillery from his fellow cast members was expected after he flubbed an important line."
Play Button "The mayor took the raillery at the reception in stride."
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French, mid-17th century
Why This Word?
"Raillery" is good-natured teasing directed toward someone or something. The concept of a roast — a comedic event where a guest of honor consents to be subjected to raillery by comedians, fans, friends, and family members — originated at the Friars' Club, a New York nightclub, in the 1940s. ...
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