This Is An Educational Website That Is Specialist In Collecting The Recent And The Most Important Trusted Information And Researches In The Nutrition Therapy And Weight Loss Field. This Is One Of The Educational Websites That Owned By S.C.T.C For Counseling And Training Program. Our Main Products In The Market Is Nutrition Therapy, Human Development, Human Resource, Management Science. One Of The Best Product We Produce Is Nutrition Therapy And Obesity Management Certified Diploma

Getting 4 Hours of Screen Time Daily Tied to Developmental Delays in Toddlers

Longer screen time at age one can have a negative effect on children's development at ages 2 and 4, especially communication and problem-solving skills. Experts recommend limiting screen time in children under age two, even if it means cutting back...
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Heart Attack Patients Who Take Daily Aspirin Have Lower Risk of New Attacks, Stroke
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