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The Worst Holiday Health Mistake You Could Make

The Worst Holiday Health Mistake You Could Make
"Many people have trouble meeting their goals when they try to change too much too fast. Focus on one behavior change at a time." — Matthew M. Clark, Ph.D., L.P.
Healthy Habits
How harmful is too much sitting?
Are movie marathons on your holiday agenda? Spending too much time on the couch may be more hazardous to your health than you think. You can use the holidays to recharge and relax — while making physical activity a priority. Need an incentive to stay active? According to one study, people who spend more than four hours a day in front of a screen have a higher risk of early death in general and a higher risk of events related to heart disease, such as chest pain or heart attack. Don't wait until Jan. 1 — make it a habit to sit less and move more now!
Be conscious about moving more »
Healthy Eating
Eat fewer calories at any meal
Mindful eating might seem like a chore, but it's an effective weight-loss strategy that gets easier once you get the hang of it. Learn these tricks to slowing down, enjoying your food and making better choices in any situation.

Learn how to eat with awareness »
Today's Cooking Tip
Find new ways to add flavor
Poach fish in low-fat broth or wine with fresh herbs, such as basil, cilantro, oregano or thyme. Top a broiled chicken breast with fresh salsa. Make meats more flavorful with low-fat marinades or spices — bay leaf, chili powder, dry mustard, garlic, ginger, marjoram, pepper or sage. To enhance sweetness, use a little vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg instead of sugar.


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