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What is the plural of “focus”?

When pluralizing Latin words, do as the Romans do. Here's a look at some of the most fascinating pluralized Latin-derived words, from "foci" to "podia."
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What is the plural of "focus"?

When pluralizing Latin words, do as the Romans do. Here's a look at some of the most fascinating pluralized Latin-derived words, from "foci" to "podia."

Magnifying glass on a sticky note with focus written down

W hen it comes to pluralizing standard English nouns, the rules are relatively straightforward: Add an "-s" to the end of most words, or in some cases, "-es" or "-ies." However, things become more complicated when dealing with words of Latin origin. For example, "focus" (from the Latin focus, meaning "hearth" or "fireplace") follows a traditional Latin form of pluralization: Drop the "-us" and add "-i." This turns one "focus" into multiple "foci," as in, "The press conference identified several key foci for further investigation."

That said, if "foci" feels too formal or unfamiliar, there is an alternative. Per Merriam-Webster (and other language authorities), the plural version "focuses" is perfectly acceptable. This variant, which follows standard English pluralization patterns, may feel more natural to native English speakers. Consider this version: "The press conference identified several key focuses..." This pattern tracks with other Latin-root terms ending in "-us," such as "thesaurus." It can be pluralized using the Latin version, "thesauri," or in the English-friendly way, "thesauruses" (although the latter sounds like a resident of Jurassic Park, IMO).

Other Latin plurals are known to cause grammar mayhem. Some Latin terms ending in "-um" adopt an "-a" in the plural, as seen in "curriculum," which becomes "curricula" — "The professors had their curricula ready for the new semester." The word "media" also follows this pluralization pattern. Though "media" is often used in the singular and plural today, it was initially only plural, and the singular version was "medium." English plural rules have been layered on top of the Latin with "media," as we might hear a newscaster say something like: "The medias from the involved countries will be present at the closing ceremony."

In the same way, a podium can become multiple podia, and more than one stadium would technically be stadia. However, we often see the plural forms written as "podiums" and "stadiums," indicating that Latin-derived words are prone to dual plurals that better align with modern English norms.

Whether you choose "foci" and "fungi" or "focuses" and "funguses," pluralization of Latin-derived words is often a matter of preference and context. While the Latin plural remains the more formal choice, the anglicized version is widely accepted.

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Meaning: Depicts a red circle with a white horizontal bar, as seen on road signs to indicate restricted areas.

Evolution: The No Entry emoji ⛔ stops traffic when it appears on a road sign. It represents restriction, roadblocks, rejection, or setting boundaries in digital conversations.

Usage: [Text to a friend:] Busy studying tonight ⛔ No distractions!

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I pride myself on calling the twists in books before they happen more often than not, but I was 100% floored by this one. The book is told from two different perspectives — a young woman student and a female professor who is secretly a vigilante for women. I recommend this for anyone who loves a heroine with a sadistic streak.

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