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Word of the Day: Centenary

Can you pronounce centenary?
Word Daily
Sunday, April 28, 2024
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adjective 1. Relating to a hundredth anniversary; centennial.
noun 1. The hundredth anniversary of a significant event; a centennial.
Play Button "The whole family is looking forward to Aunt Marnie's centenary celebration."
Play Button "The historical committee is planning a memorial to mark the centenary of the town's founding family settling here."
Play Button "When the school celebrated its centenary, it had a festival to raise money for a new gymnasium."
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Latin, mid-15th century
Why This Word?
"Centenary" can be used as both an adjective and a noun. It comes from the Latin words ""centenarius"" and ""centum,"" which mean ""denoting a hundred"" and ""a hundred,"" respectively. Places or events are not the only subjects of a hundred-year anniversary — people celebrating their 100th birthday are also observing a centenary. ...
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