"Strong social support is one of the keys to happiness and good health. Making an effort to improve relationships with people already in your life is one way to increase your social support." — Jeanne Graner Krochta, M.S., L.P. | | | | Overcome Obstacles | 6 strategies to help control eating triggers | Do certain situations or times — such as the weekend — cause you to eat too much? Identifying the moments and emotions that trigger poor eating habits can help you develop strategies to overcome them. What areas trip you up? Recognize your problem spots and take action with these tips. | Stay on track with this advice » | | | Move More Daily activities that burn calories You probably know that regular physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It lowers your risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, depression and some cancers. Find out how even daily chores and tasks can add up to offer big health benefits. See how effective your daily movements are » | | Today's Fitness Tip Are you exercising hard enough? Aim for at least moderate intensity when you exercise, which can be indicated by faster breathing and breaking into a light sweat after 10 minutes of activity. If you're still not sure you're working hard enough, try the talk test: If you can carry on a conversation but you can't sing, you're probably exercising in the moderate-intensity range. | | | ADVERTISEMENT | | Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. | Advertising & Sponsorship: Policy | Opportunities | | | BECOME A MEMBER! | | | |
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