| | Week of 09/13/2018 - Featured Blog Post Finding Your Why I have been sitting here for most of this year, and let's face it this year is going past so fast. I will be 58 years old in December and 60 in two years time. I have been reading article after article about losing weight, motivation, goal-setting etc., but reading is not doing. I need to find my 'WHY'. Why do I want to lose weight? Is it for my health, is it to have more energy for my grandmother duties, is it to meet someone new to share my life with, is it for myself, to feel and look wonderful, to live the rest of my life in a slim, trim and energetic body? I am on a journey to discover my 'why'. Setting goals is all very well, you follow the SMART rules, you read everything you can on losing weight and exercising, but unless you find the reason why you need to do this, none of it matters. Every month I tell myself that I am going to be a few kilos lighter by the beginning of the month, I continue walking, I throw a few strength days in there, I have protein/diet shakes a few times a week, then I stand on the scales and discover that all my effort that week has only lost me 500g. So I give up. It took me a few years to gain the weight and it's not going come off overnight, so I am going to take baby steps so that small goals will develop into big results. Back to the drawing board to create those goals and while I am doing that I think I will also create a vision board so that I can visually see where I am going, my final destination. Why are you trying to live a healthier lifestyle?
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