"Focus on what has helped you overcome challenges in the past and find ways to use these strategies every day as you address challenges and stress."— Amit Sood, M.D. |
 | Overcome Obstacles | 8 solutions to healthy-eating roadblocks | You will inevitably run into obstacles on the journey to healthy eating. It's how you respond that makes the difference. For long-term success, you'll need strategies in place to solve problems as they arise. Don't like to cook? Can't resist junk food? Identify the barriers most likely to get in your way and plan ahead for how you'll face those challenges using these tips. | Practice these strategies » |
Get Moving Quiz: Test your fitness IQ There are lots of different theories and myths out there when it comes to fitness, so it's understandable if you're confused about what you should (or shouldn't) be doing. However, knowing the facts can help you plan and stay on track with your fitness program. Answer these questions to find out just how much you really know about fitness.
Take the quiz now » |  |
Today's Fitness Tip Don't have time to exercise? Lack of time is a common barrier to exercise. If you don't think you have enough time to get physical activity, try these four tips: 1. Break activity into shorter periods of time, such as 10-minute walks. 2. Identify current time wasters, such as TV watching or Internet use. 3. Plan exercise into your daily schedule. 4. Reframe your concept of exercise to include many everyday activities.
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